September 9, 2018

Tiga Desa Bersejarah Ini Menyimpan Ribuan Halaman Naskah Kuno

Kuningan (MASS) – Tiga desa di Kabupaten Kuningan ditemukan memiliki beberapa naskah kuno atau manusklrip peninggalan jaman dulu. Sedikitnya tercatat ada 5 bundel manuskrip yang berisi ribuan halaman dari tiga desa tersebut. Click here to read further
September 9, 2018

Digitalisasi Manuskrip Mulai Dilakukan di Kuningan

Fajarnews, KUNINGAN- Misi digitalisasi manuskrip mulai dilakukan di Kuningan. Upaya itu dilakukan Masyarakat Pernaskahan Nusantara wilayah Kuningan yang bekerjasama tim DREAMSEA. Dalam waktu sepekan, 7-14 September, tim tersebut akan mendigitalkan koleksi manuskrip di lima pemilik di Kuningan. Click here to read further
September 9, 2018

Digitalisasi Manuskrip, Inspirasi Merekonstruksi Sejarah Lokal Kuningan – Misi digitalisasi manuskrip yang dilakukan oleh tim DREAMSEA terus dilakukan. Saat ini, tim DREAMSEA sedang mendigitalkan lima koleksi manuskrip di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Misi yang dimulai pada tanggal 7 September 2018 ini dilaksanakan oleh sejumlah anggota Masyarakat Pernaskahan Nusantara (Manassa) dan telah menargetkan akan mendigitalkan sekitar 7000 halaman dari 30 bundel manuskrip. Click here to read further
August 27, 2018

6,000 Pages of Ancient Manuscripts Undergoing Preservation in Buton

Bau-bau, DREAMSEA – Preservation of approximately 6,000 pages of the La Ode Zainu collections in Buton island of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia is currently being carried out through digitisation mission of the DREAMSEA Program. This initiative took place between 24-31 August 2018 and was led by Mr. Hasaruddin, M.Hum, whom is a lecturer in history education at Dayanu Ikhsanudin University. La Ode Zainu was priest of the Buton Palace mosque in 1985. The manuscripts were a legacy from his mother, Wa Ode Alhifa. Since La Ode Zainu’s passing in 2010, the manuscripts have been stored by his son, Wa Ode Zulifah. […]
August 15, 2018

Preserving OKI’s Manuscripts, Safeguarding the Ancestor’s Mandate

Ogan Komering Ilir, DREAMSEA – The first mission of digitising the Southeast Asian manuscripts has officially been implemented. The DREAMSEA team digitised more than 60 manuscript bundles in Ogan Komering Ilir (South Sumatra, Indonesia) over the course of 4 days from the 13th to the 17th of August 2018. It is estimated that from this mission more than 2500 manuscript images will be produced. The manuscripts were obtained from four owners, namely Ibrahim bin Abdul Qodir, Abu Hasan bin Muhammad Ali, Mukhtar bin Akib Syafei, and Ismail bin H. Ja’far. They claimed they had been keeping the manuscripts because they […]
August 1, 2018

Conducting Preliminary Assessments: DREAMSEA is Preparing 12 Missions for Digitising Manuscripts

Jakarta, DREAMSEA- In July and August 2018, the Digital Repository of Endangered and Affected Manuscripts in Southeast Asia (DREAMSEA) is conducting preliminary assessments in various regions in Southeast Asia. This activity aims to determine the readiness of the manuscripts to be digitised in 2018. In the first phase, the readiness for digitising of manuscript owners in several cities in Indonesia and Laos will be monitored. According to Nida, it is estimated that in both countries more than 24,000 manuscript pages in private collections are in need of help to be preserved. “No less than 15 cities in Indonesia and Laos are being […]
July 10, 2018

DREAMSEA will Develop Metadata Content

Jakarta, DREAMSEA – Workshop on Preservation of Manuscripts in Southeast Asia was also attended by Walid Mourad and Dr. Salam Rassi. Both come from the Hill Museum and Manuscripts Library (HMML), an institution that is very experienced in preservation activities and manufacture of digital manuscript libraries. DREAMSEA will work with HMML to build a digital repository that will store digital manuscripts. For HMML, this is their first experience building a manuscript database in Southeast Asia. “We are happy and proud to be partnering with DREAMSEA to do this project in Southeast Asia”, said Walid Mourad, Director of Field Operations HMML. DREAMSEA […]
July 10, 2018

Manuscripts Should be Preserved, Not Exploited

  Jakarta, DREAMSEA – Workshop on Preservation of Manuscripts in Southeast Asia was attended by Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman as Principal Investagors of DREAMSEA. He appreciates the role of Arcadia who has been committed in supporting cultural wealth in Southeast Asia. “Arcadia is very concerned about this program. They have for decades contributed to saving and promoting cultural wealth around the world “, said Oman. In this workshop, Oman present as Principal Investigator of DREAMSEA to share his experiences in preserving the manuscripts. He also explained that the output of DREAMSEA is to produce an Open Access Database of Souteast […]
July 10, 2018

45 Manuscript Experts Participated in DREAMSEA Workshop

Jakarta, DREAMSEA – A total of 45 preservation experts and manuscript researchers from several countries from Southeast Asian participated the “Workshop on Preservation of Manuscripts in Southeast Asia” at Santika Premiere Hotel Bintaro, Indonesia, on July 4-7, 2018. The workshop aims to provide enrichment to the team that will implement the manuscript digitisation program in Southeast Asia. “So far, the manuscript experts in each Southeast Asian country have preserved the manuscripts with various techniques. Through this workshop, we want to see the various ways of view so that we can understand the best way to save the manuscripts”, said Ismatu […]
July 3, 2018

Safeguarding Cultural Diversity, Workshop on Southeast Asian Manuscripts will be Conducted

Jakarta, DREAMSEA – After being officially launched on January 24, 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia, the Digital Repository of Endangered and Affected Manuscripts in Southeast Asia (DREAMSEA) program will hold a “Workshop on Preservation Manuscripts in Southeast Asia” on 4-6 July 2018 in Santika Premiere Hotel Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia. “This workshop will be the first step that DREAMSEA’s core activities will start soon”, said Ismatu Ropi, Ph.D, a Program Coordinator of DREAMSEA. DREAMSEA is a program aimed to preserve the diversity of Southeast Asian manuscripts. The program is devoted over the fact that although the region has rich cultural heritages, […]
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