This is the first mission carried out under the DREAMSEA programme in Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
The manuscripts in Ogan Komering Ilir were acquired from four owners. From this location, 50 manuscripts were successfully digitised. These manuscripts were written in Jawi script on media paper and contain various studies in theology, history, Islamic jurisprudence, astronomy, and Arabic grammar. Additionally, there are manuscripts that contain letters and other notes, some of which have rubrics, illustrations, and illuminations.

Mission detail
Collection name: Private collections of Abu Hasan, Muktar, Ibrahim, IsmailDigitising year: 2018
Number of manuscripts: 50
Team member
᛫ Academic expert: Nyimas Umi Kalsum
᛫ Assistant academic expert: Muhammad Daud
᛫ Photographer: Tedi Permadi
᛫ Assistant photographer: Surya Selfika