The collection of manuscripts owned by Lulut includes at least 14 codices and hundreds of other single leaf manuscripts. Some of these manuscripts were inherited from Lulut's family, while others were purchased in East Java. The manuscripts were written on various types of paper including local paper, European paper, and tree bark paper. Some of the codices are bound in cloth or leather.
The manuscripts in this collection were written in Javanese script and pegon, reflecting the cultural independence of Javanese society in the past, which also interacted with outside cultures like Islam. The collection features manuscripts inspired not only by Islam but also by other cultures, such as the Babad Tong Tya, written in Javanese script and telling of the presence of the Chinese in Java.

Mission detail
Collection name: Private collection of Lulut Edi SantosoDigitising year: 2019
Number of manuscripts: 60
Team member
᛫ Academic expert: M. Adib Misbachul Islam
᛫ Assistant academic expert: R. Adi Deswijaya
᛫ Photographer: Alfan Firmanto
᛫ Assistant photographer: Evi Fuji Fauziah