The manuscripts in this compilation hail from ten distinct collections situated in Indramayu City, West Java, Indonesia. Among these collections, one belongs to the Legok village administration and is inscribed on palm leaf media using the Javanese language and script. The records contained therein relate to village inventories, such as livestock counts, agricultural yields, and taxes. Meanwhile, other collections originate from private individuals dispersed throughout the Indramayu region, with an assortment of written materials, scripts, and languages. These texts cover a diverse range of topics, including agriculture, almanacs, predictions, stories, charms, prayer, and Islamic jurisprudence.

Mission details
᛫Collection name: Government of Legok Village, Nang Sadewo, Ki Kartawi, Radiwan, Ki Lebe Ibrohim, Toharudin, Chairul, Archi Sadewa, Ki Dalang Karta, Sutrisno, Ki Tarka Sutarahardja᛫Digitising year: 2018
᛫Number of manuscripts: 43
Team member
᛫ Academic expert: Faizal Amin
᛫ Assistant academic expert: Ki Tarka Sutarahardja
᛫ Photographer: Surya Selfika
᛫ Assistant photographer: Ray Mengku