This is a collection of manuscripts sourced from various owners, primarily written in Javanese and Arabic scripts in Pegon and Arabic script. The texts encompass a range of subjects such as Islamic teachings, theology, Islamic stories, and local heroic stories. They take on various forms, with some written as poetry (pupuh) and others in descriptive forms. The manuscripts are recorded on paper, European paper, and tree bark paper, with several pages adorned with rubrics and illuminations.

Project details
᛫ Collection name: Private Collection of Adi Purwadi, Asmoyo, Barur Rohim, Jam’i Abdul Gani, Kasri, Musattar Ibrahim, Sarino, Sucipto, Sunali, Welly Abdur Ridho, and Yasin᛫ Digitising year: 2019
᛫ Number of manuscripts: 21
Field team member
᛫ Academic expert: A. Ginanjar Sya'ban
᛫ Assistant academic expert: Wiwin Indiarti
᛫ Photographer: Tedi Permadi
᛫ Assistant photographer: Benedictus Satrio