45 Manuscript Experts Participated in DREAMSEA Workshop

Safeguarding Cultural Diversity, Workshop on Southeast Asian Manuscripts will be Conducted
July 3, 2018
Manuscripts Should be Preserved, Not Exploited
July 10, 2018

Jakarta, DREAMSEA – A total of 45 preservation experts and manuscript researchers from several countries from Southeast Asian participated the “Workshop on Preservation of Manuscripts in Southeast Asia” at Santika Premiere Hotel Bintaro, Indonesia, on July 4-7, 2018. The workshop aims to provide enrichment to the team that will implement the manuscript digitisation program in Southeast Asia.

“So far, the manuscript experts in each Southeast Asian country have preserved the manuscripts with various techniques. Through this workshop, we want to see the various ways of view so that we can understand the best way to save the manuscripts”, said Ismatu Ropi, Ph.D, as Program Coordinator DREAMSEA.

This activity is a part of Digital Repository of Endangered and Affected Manuscripts in Southeast Asia (DREAMSEA) initiated by Center for Islamic Studies and Society (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in cooperation with Center for the Study Manuscripts and Culture (CSMC) University of Hamburg. In addition, this activity is fully supported by the British philanthropic which is Arcadia.

“This is the first time for us to manage a long-time project of manuscripts preservation. DREAMSEA will last at least until 2022 “, said Saiful Umam, Ph.D, as Executive Director of PPIM, in his speech.

Saiful mentioned that the project was initiated on the awareness of PPIM and CSMC in understanding the diverse needs of Southeast Asian manuscripts but with minimal conservation concerns. Both institutions are well-known for experiencing the preservation and study of Southeast Asian manuscripts and cultures. [MNF]

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